#103 – Who I am not

In #101, I talked about my self-exploration and knowing who I am not versus who I am. I know exactly who I am not. Let me tell you about it. I am not shy. I don’t know how to emphasise this enough with this present me. But, Lami is anything but shy. Granted, I am quite reserved and introverted, but 100% not shy. I don’t know where this habit of hiding in the background started. What I know is that it will soon stop. Baby steps, internationality, and fervent hope that I will soon return to my natural “unshy” state. I don’t waste time These days, I pat myself on the back for getting to meetings early. This is not because it is out of character, but rather because it is perfectly in character. I can’t help but be early for planned events. In fact, I absolutely dislike and feel embarrassed when I do the opposite. My need to join functions and meetings early is because I value time; mine and yours. As such, I don’t want to waste it. I am not mediocre I enjoy that I don’t allow anything less than quality to result from my hands. To be humble, quality here is relative and define by my knowledge and expertise. I don’t claim to be perfect. However, I endeavour to put in the effort to achieve the best results when I set my heart to something. The downside to this is that it slows me down considerably. For tasks that would take 30 minutes, I could spend 45 minutes. While I try to tap into speed X quality, I console myself with the fact that the extra time spent on my work makes them stand out. I am not a sad person Even though I know that depression isn’t sadness, per se, I feel pretty bummed to have depressive episodes. As a person who was known to be notedly happy when I was a child (pre 12 yes), it is still difficult to come to terms with the fact that I experience moments that are out of character. This list is not exhaustive of what I am not. However, I think these cover the basics. These are 500 words (or less ?). Talk to you tomorrow!  

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