#34 – Stream of Consciousness

I got invited to a wedding today. Right now, it reminds me of how I don’t want to have a big wedding.

Let me explain.

In Nigeria, especially my tribe, wedding ceremonies are a huge deal. If you are a Christian, you also have to do a church wedding. As I am both a Christian and a Yoruba gal, the expectations are pretty high.

The thing about Yoruba weddings is that after the church ceremony, people begin to troop into the usually massive “reception” hall. By people, I mean, over a 100 of them, to say the least. The horror. The newly-wed would then have to dance into the reception hall. Some even go the extra mile and present a whole choreography. The horror. I just can’t.

Other activities in the reception include more dancing, some extra dancing, and even more dancing.

I don’t want a big wedding ceremony because I feel mortified just thinking about doing any of the things I stated above. Hard pass. However, as one’s parents and relatives are likely to be very much involved in one’s wedding planning process in these parts, my intention is to do it secretly. I relish the idea of their surprised/shocked faces when I announce my marriage to them. The other option is to insist very firmly on a tiny wedding that will definitely exclude a reception hall. It may also exclude a church wedding, but I’m still uncertain about that. The “reception” will be a small home gathering of family and a few friends, or nothing at all.

As for children, I want a lot. Let’s stop here.

Do you ever think about why the chicken cross the road? It’s my go-to question whenever I want to officially start musing. Example:

Hmmm… Why did the chicken cross the road?

How is it possible that the sky is above and below us at the same time?

Is the law of gravity really right? Hear me out. The earth is spherical, right??? This means that the mass of ground across the would is a sphere; the earth’s core. So, as the earth rotates, people in some parts of the world are standing upside down, rigghhhtttt? Then, the law of gravity should be the core of the earth has a special magnetic field that attracts the occupants of the earth (animate or inanimate) to it. In this way, whatever moves away from it (not upward) would be pulled back.

Let’s talk about water too. What is under there? It’s just too mysterious. Are mermaids real? If they aren’t, why do many cultures have them in their folklore/historical tales? Pretty interesting.

Also, how in the world were the pyramids built???!!!!! Not to talk of all the other mega historical structures around the world. It makes me wonder if we are really the only set of humans who have reached this level of technological advancement. If not that, then the humans before us were much wiser and stronger. They probably also used a larger % of their brain capacity.

One question I have been unable to answer is why the moon keeps following me around. JK… or, am I??

These are 500 words (or more ?)! Talk to you tomorrow!

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