#45 – To Regret or not to Regret: A Short Story

Hi people,

I’m having some fun rummaging through my old unpublished articles. The one I am about to post here is pretty interesting! I wrote it on March 7, 2018. Enjoy the read, child.

The worst feeling in the world is the feeling that someone feels disappointed in you. This might seem twisted, but, read it again and try to get what I mean. You know this silent way people ‘treat you’ without telling you what they are actually thinking? I hate that because it hurts, and it makes you feel like you have let the most important person in your life down.

To Regret or not to Regret: A Short Story

So, on the day I resumed my internship, I branched at Computer Village to buy me some CDs for my computer-typing tutor, a programming app, and a Windows upgrade. I had that planned out since the month before, so it was not an ‘on the spur of the moment thing’.

I got it and asked the guy if the CDs were working and were not fake, and he said he doesn’t know, that I should try them and pray they work. I considered this for a moment and said ‘okay’, I’ll take them. I asked if he was always at that spot, so I could return it the next day if any didn’t work, he said no, he comes whenever he wishes. I got the CDs for 500 Naira each and bade him farewell. We shook hands, and I went on my way. When I got home, all the CDs didn’t work.

The above is how the story would have gone if I was the dumbest person alive. Of course, I’m not the smartest either (reading this article will further prove this), but, cut me some slack, peeps. Soooooo, this is how the story really went:

…Continuing from ‘so, it was not a spur of the moment thing’. I emphasize this because I want to make you understand that I knew exactly what I was doing and I had several long hours,              days, and weeks to consider what I was going into. The guy assured me that the CDs were working. I made all other necessary confirmation (yes, that was his permanent spot, so, I could return it whenever I liked). How do I know if he was not just telling a lie about that being his permanent spot? Well, I don’t. What? I did tell you I was not the smartest person alive *shrugs. I will find out, however, if I need to return any of the CDs (spoiler alert).

Anyway, I got my three CDs, and one happened to not work. I was even surprised the other two did, especially because they were the two most important ones. I got the CDs for 200 Naira each, btw. But, then, a thought struck me: I had just spent a total of 6h on three CDs which are 400, 100, and 99 MB each. On my network provider, I can get 1GB for 5h, making it possible for me to download the different apps I wanted, and be assured of their authenticity.

Let’s assume an average of 200 MB for each app. With 5h, in the comfort of my house and with an authentic ‘it is working’ assurance, I could get up to five applications of my choice…

… you see, the human mind works in the funniest ways. It is like it has a mind of its own (LOL). It dulls itself at the most crucial time and allows a person to make the most unreasonable decision. The moment of clarity then, not so conveniently, comes when the deed had been done and in most cases, cannot be reversed.

I could not get my money back, and the highest I could do was to change the CD that didn’t work… if I found or even recognised the guy.

Nevertheless, in this very disappointing situation, I found a cause for celebration. Instinctively, as soon as I found out my error, and what I could have done instead, regret came flooding in. I was low on cash at that period too, so, it was a sad situation. However, one light thought came into my head, and I knew I shouldn’t regret it, instead, I should learn. Now, I knew what to do, and it was easier to move on.

I felt the heavyweight of regret dissolve and happiness crept in. The happiness was that I had developed, and through my mistake, I had learnt how to achieve more with less. In that little way, I had been innovative. I had also matured slightly. It put me at ease, that maybe, just maybe, I won’t end up being a person who wallows in self-pity and regret of ‘what should have been’.



Okaaaayyyy, I see you, Lami from the past!!! ?

These are 500 words (or more ?)! Talk to you tomorrow!

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