Sometimes, I get soooooo over hearing my own thoughts and voice(s) in my head. So, I pick up the phone to call someone. If I’m not in the mood for a call, I see a movie (usually a series), raid YouTube, Quora or Reddit, or – the worst, yet best of them all – build a campsite on Twitter just to observe the shenanigans of Tweeps.
… Just thought to let you know…
This was an “article” I wrote on March 17, 2018 at 12:20 pm ??
The Self-conceited fool and the two lousy hypocrites
Yes, it is barely even one sentence. I have a host of others like this ?. The topic, “The Self” looked pretty interesting, so I thought I should take a look and found one sentence… in an entire document. Anyway, I probably just wasn’t further inspired. So, let me add a few more sentences to it today. One thing I am certain of is that this article will not be completed today. Here you go sha.
Sooooo, who is “the self”?
Omo, I neither have the mental capacity nor interest to go philosophical today ?. I sha know that the self is not a singular entity. You are a cluster of personalities, behaviour, habits, and desires. Depending on the place, situation, and person(s) with which you interact, different traits become more prominent. This is why multiple people can describe you in completely different ways.
These are 500 words (or less ?)! Talk to you tomorrow!
… As a way of being accountable, I’d like to let you know that I typed and published this article on April 26. There was “no light” for two days. Yes, this is after having one day of electricity after this experience. I live in Nigeria. Your work being delayed because of “light” is a norm. Between you and me, I’d like to say that I’m deeply saddened by this causal sick norm. No one in a civilised society should live like this.