#62 – Motivation

Today is my dad’s birthday. Like I revealed on the 4th, I ended up going home. I enjoyed being at home after a pretty long time away. I also got my book! So, you’re getting some interesting things soon.

I find it absolutely weird that my exams are still ongoing. I don’t think I have had exams last this long. Usually, I am done in two weeks. To make matters worse, I found out today that my last paper is on the 26th. So, I had an idea (not really a new one if we take Transitivity into consideration). I’ll turn my revisions into articles.

That’s why I’m talking about motivation and consciousness today. I’ll do language, sex, and hunger tomorrow.

All these topics are from my Physiological Psychology class. My exam is on Wednesday


Let’s call Motivation, Miss M. I just feel like it suits “her”.

Miss M is a versatile, mysterious, psychological enigma that pushes us to have/need goals, aspirations, food and water, etc.

What makes her up is a combination of drives that propel us in a certain direction. She initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviour. Such goal-oriented behaviour could include waking up early (behaviour) to experience a fun day at work (goal), studying daily (behaviour) to pass an exam (goal), or exercising daily (behaviour) to stay fit (goal).

Shes got two sides to her: intrinsic and extrinsic. Sassy.

On the one hand, Intrinsic Miss M (IMM) is her own person. She is not influenced by external stimuli. Anything behaviour is done for true interest. In essence, the behaviour is the reward. Such behaviour includes personal growth, a sense of duty, and self-pleasure. An example is eating a certain type of food because it is your favourite.

On the other hand, Extrinsic Miss M (EMM) is influenced by external stimuli. In this side of Miss M, behaviour is determined by the environment – the outside world. Unlike EMM, the incentive is external. Behaviour determined by this kind of motivation are usually done for the avoidance of punishment or receipt of reward. Some examples include coming to early to school to avoid being punished or working hard at your job to not be called lazy (toxic much, though).

Miss M is usually categorised into motives and drives.

Motives are states of arousal that determine an organism’s energy towards a goal. There are three types; biological, social, and personal. Biological motives are innate and essential for individual survival. They are also called physiological motives. Some such motives include hunger, thirst, need for reward, and the avoidance of pain. ClarkHull explains how these motives affect individuals. The body maintains a state of equilibrium called “homeostasis”. This is a state of the body when it is not doing any

Here’s a secret: I completed this on the 10th of May.

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