This is faction. I am L. You’ll know what’s fact and what’s fiction in part 3.
8 am
Dr N: L, ensure that you stop collecting submissions from 300 level students at exactly 12 pm (The instruction was given with a stern facial expression that made L understand that Dr N meant exactly what she said)
L: Okay, ma. I will (L agreed. However, she secretly wished she had not been given that task. Her academic life stressed her out. Her final year project demanded a lot of time and mental commitment. It was no also help that she seemed to move at a very slow pace, no matter how hard she tried. Worse still was her ever plummeting grade. L wanted nothing more than to be left alone.)
8:43 am
L was the lone occupant of FA 55 Hall. Her laptop was stationed in front of her with some books stacked beside it. With a distinct frown that seemed to have become permanent on her face, she tapped the cap of a blue pen on her nose as she tried to formulate the first sentence of her Chapter 3: Methodology.
Student 1: (Enters the class). Good morning. I want to submit my ENGH 308.
L: (Distractedly looks up). Okay, drop it here. (She points to a place close to her laptop on the desk).
Student 1: Okay. (Drops it and leaves)
(3 more students enter the class together)
Student 2: Good morning. We want to submit our assignment.
L: (Sighs). Drop it here. (Points to the spot Student 1 dropped their paper)
(They drop it and leave. 2 students enter)
Student 3: Dr N said we should give you.
L: Drop it here. (She does not look up this time)
(At 9:30 am, 20 students had come to submit their assignments. L increasingly got angrier)
Student 21: Good morning.
L: (No response)
Student 21: I said good morning.
L: (Quickly rounds up her 4th sentence and looks up at Student 21). Put it where you can clearly see other people’s paper.
Student 21: Na wa o. Small power, they will just start showing off. Mtcheew. (Drops their paper and leaves).
(5 students enter at once a few minutes later. L breaks her gaze away from her laptop as she hears them approaching her).
L: Put it here (points at the pile). Tell your classmates who are yet to submit that they should just drop it and leave.
(Of course, that did not happen. From 9:31 am to 12 pm, 54 more people trickled. Every single person or set of people who came in asked L where they should submit. A few also asked if they needed to write their names and sign. Needless today, long before 12 pm, L was fuming.
At 12 pm, L was happy that it was over. It seemed that the 300 level students also took Dr N’s instruction very seriously because no one came to submit after the deadline. L succeeded in writing a few more sentences, not without struggle. This rigorous writing session was still ongoing at 3 pm when D came into the class).
These are 500 words (or more ?)! Talk to you tomorrow!
As a way of being accountable, please, know that I wrote this on the 12th of May 2022.